Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Inquiry on "Private lives laid bare" on Wired news


What happened to ole DWC?

Is he even alive?

Maybe we should issue a flesh search for DWC.

Ole mafiaboy was on the news last month.

Due to clintons legislation in 1994.

Is everyone aware that a BC200XLT manufactured after 1994 is blocked to recieve cellular calls?

Why was this radio even legal to buy in canada. In hong kong you would need a license to have this radio. You need a license to have a copy machine in canada but any idiot can buy a scanner and listen to ANALOG phone calls.

AMPS or Analog cell phones in 1999? Can you say behind the times. Who ever said that AMPS calls are even secure? Walkie talkies arent secure. If it wasnt technically illegal to intercept analog calls then why was his page shut down and why was he arrested and his equipment siezed?

Maybe there is something we are missing here?

The guy that wrote this article a day after DWC went live the first time on shoutcast. He's canadian. He was in the irc channel #dwc. He's subject to canadian jurisdiction. Why isnt he in jail? He's even wrote an article about this divulging the conversations intercepted by DWC.

And why is the article deleted off wired news archives. I can still get it on the archives, above.

Where and when was his trial and what law was he prosecuted under?

Can we get someone to do a follow up?

Mafiaboy is back in the news, why not DWC?

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