"Golius in his Treatise of the Kingdom of Cathay tells us that the Cathayans and Chinese are all one People and their Customs and Language have been one and the fame throughout all Ages"
The southern chinese (yuen) were not manjin. When the mongols that were loyal to the han were ordered to expand deeper into southern china the mongols refused and did not follow orders.
The southern chinese were not considered Manjin by the mongols. Manjin refered to other races that refused to recognise the "dragon" or the "lion". Han and "mongol" are noble races next to each other and always lived amongst each other in northern china.
To the Han, Manjin meant generally anyone that lived below the yangtze river however, Yuen were not considered manjin, by the mongols. This is the reason for their defection. The administrative mandarin (manchu) who rode the coat tails of the yuan, took power of china shortly after.
More on the dragon and lion as "Who were the xia?" later.
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