This concept of self-immolation has nothing to do with spirituality. Or rather, its proper application is to produce a type of invulnerability or for transmuting karma.
Moskha is the lake of fire where one decends and who's karma is purifyed. This is highly questionable. Why would you need to purify your karma in such a manner?
It is said that shaolin monks have more gravity than normal people. Yet a side effect of spritual practice is the body becomes lighter. Heavyness as the chinese say is: "Contrary virtues".
When a man ejaculates his strength drains out, downwards. Downward movement of energy is contrary virtue. One way of making the body lighter is to imagine that one is lying or standing on a cloud.
The temple in emei are place in such a way where you can look out and it appears that one is standing on top of the clouds. A side effect of this was an enhancement of TU JING or floating jing.
This is the basis of the power behind the so-called imprint palm which was said to have been "developed" in emei temple.
Now technically there are two main flames you are interested in. Indigo-blue and Violet. Violet flame is for transmuting karma. Karma is not the law of cause and effect most
You can read up on the subject of karma particles in the texts of jain if you like. I wont go into it right now. Karma particles are a real thing. Not just an idea. You've heard of death touch.
Can you touch someone and kill them? Very much so. No touch is actually needed. You see when the astral body is weak, you take on the karma particles of others you come in contact or close proximity to.
You can also take on the karma particles of others and "gift" them to another. Kind of the kiss of death of the godfather. Your called in. You get kissed. You are never seen again.
There is something in china called Qi stealing. It basically is a pragmatic term of vamprisim. I met a chinese girl on instant messaging some years ago. She was apparently getting off on my energy (I have that effect on women).
She kept hinting that there was something about her that I wouldnt like. She tryed to explain the reason she lives with her dad and not her mom. She liked to renao. Because it "made her feel better".
I can give her the benefit of the doubt. She might have just been a small person. I am a big person. I literally have to walk through doors sideways my energy is so big it fills up a city block.
I was in san franciso once. I was in the most crime ridden part of the city and it was like a ghost town. There was not a single living soul hardly to be seen. This in an area where someone is robbed an average of every 30 seconds.
Now the main issue with qi stealing of any kind. Is that you absorb the karma of others. You can research the history of this type of thing by keyword. Look up seichim reiki.
Again why would you need to clear yourself of karma if you are a good person with a strong astral body and a decent sense of austerity? Rhetorical question. There is a famous atlantean. Thoth.
Thoth or hermes wrote the emerald tablets in an odd language similar to that found in the voynich text. Thoth was/is an immortal vampire a "Qi stealer". "We drank from the cup of death an attained eternal life".
What were they drinking out of that cup? Blood and alchohol. So called vampires suffer from a disorder. They cannot absorb astral density from drinking water (jing). You ever hear the joke about about how the alchoholic says drinking water makes him sick?
They do not nessessarily desire astral density. They are aware of its limitations (karma) but density means stabilization. Cant have one without the other. Anyways, again. Who would really care so much about aquiring karma particles?
Unless you were accumulating karma from feeding upon humans in various ways. This may he hard for some to read or understand. I'm sorry. This is how things are. Remember my words.
People like myself, for others reasons. We may not have an issue with accumulating others karma particles from feeding. Perhaps from contact
My body chemistry, I can ideally attain astral density from mucous eg. dairy products. Type O blood is made for this kind of thing (Kittens love whipped cream). But with bigger energy that means a larger surface area.
Woe be unto those with weak astral bodys that come into my presence. Consider part of the drama of being in the top 5% of the population. If you lack the buffer zone to protect you from the dross of karma particles they can "get in".
If you have that buffer zone, others do not. And they also lack that which would have protected them from the manifestation of those karma particles. Like when you used to throw rocks off a bridge. One mans floor is another mans ceiling.
You dont have my inviolability. You will have a completly different experience of those karma particles attached to you. Now for these reasons and more we have a procedure that is quite simple.
Burning the body. You visualise yourself burning with an indigo-blue flame (for protection) or a violet flame (for transmuting karma). The indigo-blue flame converts one energy to another.
This is called Slippery qi because once it is generated it will never re-enter circulation in the meridians. The technical term for the indigo-blue flame is vajra-agni. It is a cold flame so it is on the safe side.
Indigo-blue flame is of the wavelength specifically of cosmic rays. It is said that the spleen hates dampness. Therefore the spleen (earth) does not burn like fire burns wood but it consumes dampness (or transmutes it).
However the visualization of fire leads the qi to the surface from the core. It is at this point to where we might say: "If its for protection what happens to things that dont get into you but just around you?". Exactly.
Superman is invincible but the people around him are not. Which is why he eventually found exile in the palace of solitude. To make an ivory tower, you have to kill some elephants.
In terms of technical details this is usually done seating at the commencement of some kind of cultivation like qigong. Preferably a meridian qigong. Classically the ba tuan jin. One assumes the dhyana mudra in a cross legged position with the eyes closed and visualize one surrounded by an indigo-blue flame burning around the outside of the body. Another variation you place the tips of the fingers together in the samana mudra on both hands. You sit cross legged and place these hands behind your back over the kidney area on both sides.
I like this one best because it summons the power of samana and in this case you need no peliminary. Just the mudra and visualization is nessessary. This is one of the few times were pretention is intention.
Think about it. If you were a master of pyrokinesis would you visualise yourself burning in a flame? It would be suicide. Likewise, if you did know some pyrokinesis or something less intense like tummo. Tummo is like the heat of the sun in the dead of winter, its not that powerful. Then imagine how much easyer it would for you to develop the spiritual armor.
Or you can use a violet flame which again is classically used for transmuting karma particles. "Kills 99.9% of germs" well this gets the .1 that kill you. But it wont cure you if your infected. Understand?
What these monks are doing has nothing to do with sprituality. Its a buddhist temper tantrum. We find references to this also in the book of the samurai. The japanese are culture thieves. They are simply passing on an idea that came from tibet from the tummo practice and from the agnihotra along with other influences.
Its interpretation. Like whipping yourselves with chains before driving your truck loaded with explosives into an embassy.
This has nothing to do with spirituality. Now, something can be said of the state of mind of a man that can set himself on fire and not scream like a baby. That is just a manifestation of the dhyana mudra.
The dhyana mudra has nothing to do with zen, what it does its treats disturbances of the mind (if the right hand is on top of the left hand). The dharana mudra has the right hand on the outside and it bloats the energy body treating disturbances of external. The former pulls the energy body in towards the 2nd chakra.
The ultimate goal of zen is samadhi. Which simply is open eyed trance. Its nothing more. What are the practical applications of having your eyes open with no awareness of external stimuli? You cannot attain samadi through dhyana. You attain dhyana through dharana and samadi is a side effect, at best of dhyana.
Great you sucked me into the dhyana/dharana fundamentals. I might as well put the blog up on shadow gazing on
So there at least you have my basic denouncement of what the monks are doing in tibet. Just to clear up any misunderstanding by the "2-bit army" that might arise.
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